
This is the view from my washing line.  I liked hanging out washing at the old house.  I actually think I might love it here. The only problem is that its quite a posh neighbourhood, so I feel like I need to be dressed to hang out my washing…flip flops and jammies doen’t seem to cut it.


I swear I cleaned this room mere moments before this photo was taken. Kevin thinks I just make up the cleaning so it seems like I do something all day.  I think its lucky he’s still alive after 10 years. 


Theo sleeps in a baby hammock. All day.  He loves it.  Except between the hours of 4pm and 3am, when he doesn’t.


We eat a lot of eggs.  A lot.  Well, I don’t really eat that many.  Its because when I lived in Calcutta there was a flood and I was stuck in my accomodation and all they served us was eggs for two weeks.  Deep fat fried, curried eggs was my breaking point.  Of course I get a child that loves to eat eggs above all else.


Georgia loves Theo. As in Hugo the Abominable Snowman “I will love him pat him and squeeze him and call him George” sort of way.  


Ellis loves him to, but I am less worried about Theo being literally smothered with love. 


My life is filled with Lego.  We’ve graduated to itty bitty lego.  Is it wrong to hate it? It’d suck it up with the vacuum, but then I’d have to listen to how all the pieces are missing.